I Wish You All the Best by Mason Deaver

     Book club is an interesting place. The books can be of any genre and any depth. Sharing opinions is also a great part, and if you agree, it helps you connect with people. If you disagree, it provides you with a healthy debate that can really challenge your thoughts. Uni has a book club that is in partnership with Spectrum Club. The book we most recently finished is called I Wish You All the Best by Mason Deaver. The book club leaders even got the author to join our Zoom for a Q & A!

    I Wish You All the Best is about a kid named Ben. They are non-binary but aren't out to anyone. After gaining the courage to come out to their parents, they were kicked out of their home. With no one else to go to, they called their sister who they hadn't spoken to in ten years. However, she still took them in and let them live in her house with her husband, Thomas. Ben had never met Thomas before, though, so their relationship was a little awkward at first, but because they had to explain why they were kicked out, Ben came out to Hannah and her husband. They also came out to their counselor, who they were a little reluctant to see. Hannah gradually convinced them to try going once, though, and it ended up being beneficial to Ben, so they continued to go.

    Ben is in the middle of their senior year of high school, but they no longer live near their old school. Fortunately, Thomas happens to work at a high school, so he helps Ben enroll there. This is where Ben meets Nathan, a very friendly boy who shows Ben around the school and helps them get settled in. Ben tends to prefer to be alone, though, so although they are invited to lunch by Nathan, they always choose to sit by themselves instead. Ben doesn't come out at school, though, because they are afraid of the backlash they may receive, so they are constantly being misgendered.

    Ben also loves art, so they often draw during lunch. They have a good relationship with their school's art teacher, though, so they've been given access to paint supplies whenever they want. Their art plays a relatively important role in how they express themself throughout the book. They also have an online friend named Mariam who has been very helpful as they have been figuring out their identity. Additionally, Mariam is non-binary and famous because they are a role model for a lot of other non-binary people.

    As the book continues, Ben works out a lot of things with their counselor like their complicated relationship with their sister (because she left for college ten years ago and hadn't reached out since). They continue to explore their identity and gender expression, and they also begin to socialize and become friends with some of their classmates. The book starts on a rather low note, but the ending is very satisfying. Overall, the writing and plot were really good, it was super engaging, and I would definitely recommend it.



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